Behave your prints
They are digital natives, newly minted citizens of the busy online world. They grew up – and are still growing up – with texting, MSN, Facebook, Vine, and Snapchat. They are young, and they don’t care about privacy.
With this project, we want to support young people (14-18) to become active citizens in the digital society, by participating online responsibly and behaving correctly, in order to protect their online reputation for the benefit of their professional and social future.
Today’s teenagers use many digital tools to document their lives on the Internet. However, they are unaware of the importance of digital footprint and reputation for their future lives. They still do not have enough life experience, or developed cognitive abilities, and are prone to critical mistakes that could negatively affect their digital reputation and future life.
Main Goal
We will achieve this by applying a new methodology that will first be tested on 24 teachers and youth workers from 6 partner countries through training. After that, we test the BYP methodology on 24 young people who will participate in mobility and further transfer the acquired knowledge to 120 of their peers from 6 partner countries.
1. Campaign to raise awareness about personal digital footprint – presentation of the project at the largest festival of digital, gaming and pop culture in the region –, Belgrade
2. Professional meeting – preparation of topics and educational material for the training scheme that will be developed on the digital tool.
3. Campaign to raise awareness about the innovative methodology of the *Behave YourPrints project in each participating country, so that in addition to the promotion, we will gather the best youth worker participants for the next training activity.
4. Training for youth workers on digital literacy covering a specific topic *digital citizenship, digital footprint, online identity – reputation and protection of personal online information.
5. Practical work in local communities
6. Youth exchange (testing an innovative approach related to digital citizenship education) + presentation on the last day at an evening social event where young participants present what they have learned – How to build my digital footprint
7. Dissemination of the project results through the campaign – Launching the platform