Smart Idea is a private enterprise established in 2017. Nevertheless, the company is very young, Still, people involved in the project has long years of experience in education, development of training courses and educational program, implementation of self-evaluation, programming of educational software and managing large scale project in the education sector all across the Balkans (CARDS and IPA programmes).
Other experience of staff members in the company:
- 20 years of cooperation with the Ministry of Educations and Sports of Slovenia
- Special expertise in teacher training as leaders of the biggest Slovenian Educational Project in digitalisation of schools and teacher education
- 24 years of developing educational software, 18 years working on Open and Distance Learning (ODL), 42 created ODL course, ( )
- active participation in the Leonardo da Vinci program from 1997, 6 projects led and successfully finished, involvement in several other projects (https://www.Smart )
- Ten years of working on Quality Assurance in Vocational Education, the experience of creating supported software in QA
- Particular expertise in supporting EU projects with collaborative software and tools for managing projects knowledge in preparation, development, and implementation of large scale software for different ministries of education in the Balkan area (Ministry of Education of Montenegro and Canton Ministry of education of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Ministry of education of Slovenia)
- expertise in the implementation of ISO standards into schooling organizations
- educational program and training program development as proven in the project Technical Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Montenegro which developed the first draft of the National Qualification Framework (NQF)
In the last few years, Smart Idea specializes in the introduction of new techniques of learning and management into schools and actively lectures in educational conferences (SIRIKT Slovenia, InfoComTeh Slovenia, Future of education, Italy ).
Smart Idea was also the leader of one of the most prominent Slovenian project in the field of educational program upgrade where one part of the project was counselling to schools
( ). In this project, we have developed techniques and different software for gathering data of the school, which give us a comparative advantage in this project and enable quicker development of tools needed for school analysis.
In the field of training and development of new educational programs, Smart Idea has in the last five years counselled over 70 schools in Slovenia and helped in different training in the field of digital literacy. The experience will be a massive benefit in this project. After the study, Smart Idea proposed changes into the planning of Annual Working Plan and techniques of teaching improvement.
Smart Idea was also a key partner in a different EU project regarding school education and collaboration with parents. In 2015 members of the company led Parents Corner, an E+ project for bettering the collaboration between schools and parents, in 2017 Stress Free teachers projects relating to improving teachers life in schools and at home.
This knowledge will be of critical importance when developing entrepreneurial training, online resource development, design e-learning methodologies and implement it into the schools.

Igor Razbornik
Igor Razbornik, Msc., is the founder of Smart Idea and has 28 years of experience in designing, costing, and overseeing the implementation of large-scale education and management projects. Igor is also an expert in project management, development of workshops, project evaluation, analysis, and ESF finances. He concepts different state-wide Education management information systems like EMIS in Bosnia and Herzegovina and eŠolstvo in Slovenia. He was team leader of the various EU IPA projects like Technical Support to Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Montenegro. This project developed the first draft of the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and wrote the first draft of the Law on National Vocational Qualification.
He has a master’s degree in EU Programme Management and Development at Pixel University, Florence.
Now he is running a new website, promoting good practices in the field of EU and Erasmus projects, called As a renowned trainer in the field of project preparation, the community of the followers are growing very fast. On the website, you can find good practice approaches, documents templates, and innovative ideas for project development and project management.